Fish Out of Water

In a place far from me.

Ryan Redmond
3 min readMar 20, 2024
Photo by Şahin Sezer Dinçer on Unsplash

The water was warm.

Outside, the cold, winter air of Northern California blew gusts against the large, glass windows.

I was up early in the morning.

I’d have to be at work by seven, and I was determined to use my time working out of town to get back into shape, shed a few pounds I had packed on from too much wine and sweets.

I reasoned my extra weight was just from the holidays, but I was lying to myself. I hadn’t been kind to my body the previous year.

However, after only a week or two of a new exercise regime, I had seen results.

Swimming was what helped most of all.

And despite it being January, I was spending my morning doing laps in the water.

Luckily, this was done in an indoor heated pool.

My new home was a room at the Best Western in a small town where this was one of the nicest hotels you could stay at.

Other people from work, also from out of town, had found Airbnb’s and other rentals to stay at for the two or so months we would be there. This allowed them to take home a little extra from their housing stipend.



Ryan Redmond

Writing stories in between cups of coffee and glasses of wine.